Saturday, November 3, 2012


October.29.2012. Braking news for entire New York A tropical storm of category 1 is been headed with 120mp wind straight to Jersey and New York coasts. A braking news that involved the entire U.S government to take the immediate precautions. Hurricane Sandy was estimated of being one the most devastated hurricane compares to Irene which barely hit New York in 2010. Mayor Bloomberg has came out already stating the dangerous of the storm and the evacuation of zone A. This evacuation would include the whole entire lower Manhattan and everything else that flats down of East river also the entire shore of Long Island and State Island, coming down with Jersey shore and Atlantic City. The evacuation had to be done immediately before the sea water rich 16 feet high.
The entire subway line shut down. All the bridges and tunnels were close since 7pm a day before. Many highways closed due to strong winds and heavy rain. All the airports closed, including all the stores and shops. The red alert of Hurricane Sandy was already issued for many New Yorkers to stay inside they’re homes and for many others to evacuate if necessary. Sandy already approached to coasts with a devastated hit.
Thousands of houses destroyed. Devastated damages to subway tunnels and many roads blocked due to flooded streets and falling trees. A total disaster and lost for many areas that surrounds New York, Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and Atlantic City. Next day woke up and first thing I did I looked out of the window to see what Sandy left behind.
I couldn’t just stay home but I drove in my neighbor streets and all around Queens to see with my own eyes the left behind of the hurricane. I was shocked. Many trees fall on top the houses and cars breaking them just like toys. People with tears in they’re eyes seeing what Sandy did to they’re properties. One hundred people killed from this storm and thousands out of they’re homes. During my class we have talked abut climate change and if is New York prepared for any catastrophic event. Sandy I guess gave us the answer and the conclusion of being hit from a major storm. We are far away of being prepared. I feel shame of my self of living in the most powerful state of the world, suffering the consequences of hurricane Sandy. Is been a week that half of New York is living in dark due to power cut down. Is been a week that we out of the school due to no subway lines to move the students and teachers up and down communities. Is been a week that people are desperate for gas to fill they’re cars and they’re generators. What a shame but I guess Sandy will give to our superiors a lesson to start thinking and preparing for the next hit.
We have to thank you hundreds of police officers and fire mans including the Red Cross, helping thousands from the flooded area. We have to thank you other states that helped with they private companies to help Con Edison bring back the power. As I look around and meditate with myself I thought to Zeitoun which stood behind to protect his house and his work places. As him many people followed the same direction. They stood to they’re houses to save whatever they could from the devastated storm. We are far way of being prepared. If I would be a Mayor of the New York I would start thinking deep how to start preparing ourselves for the next hit. Sandy already showed us the week points so i would start building huge barriers around the city to keep sea level out the tunnels and subway lines. The power lines I would put them into the ground avoiding the wind and the trees falling into them cutting the electricity for weeks. I would also think how to get gas into gas stations avoiding lines of cars waiting for hours which many times end up in fights and hate between drivers. Hurricane Sandy definitely had raised to us a red flag for the next storm. Climate change is really happening. Who knows what is the target for the next time.   


  1. Hello, Erjon! I'm Jielei Mei. In my opinion, your blog satisfies the requirement of the assignment. It is about Hurricane Sandy. I think you have successfully stated that New York is not ready for climate change in the third paragraph, but I’d better add a leading sentence at the beginning of this paragraph so that the construction of your blog can be more clearly. What’s more, you have a good idea about what you would be doing if you were major in the fourth paragraph, but I suggest that you’d better state it in one independent paragraph. Moreover, I think you have missed an important thing you haven’t explained what you are doing in this blog. You don’t need introduce Hurricane Sandy particularly. Instead, you can just introduce it with one or two sentences.

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  3. Hi Erjon, I’m Kevin Rojas from the ENG 101 classes; I believe that you wrote a very good opinion of hurricane Sandy in many ways for example the bad effects during hurricane Sandy like no electricity, lines for gasoline or no public transportation. However you also wrote what you would do it if you are a mayor of New York and I believe you got two important ideas. The first idea was about trying to construct huge barriers around the city to prevent inundations, however I was reading the article that we wrote an essay about it. The article was ¨New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn¨ from the New York Times, and Mr. Hill stated that building barriers could be helpful however spend 10 billion dollars is a disadvantage, basically you believe that in this economy situation we would able to enhance that amount in order to prevent flooding disasters. The second point was a good idea put all the power lines into the ground, with that we would decrease the damage of any wind storm, however just take a moment and count how many power pole you have to change in one block in Queens and now imagine how many you have to change around the city. I believe that change the power poles it’s a good idea but I think that you have to find information of why the electricity companies like conEdison or Lipa don’t want to change all of that power poles. Finally I agree with you that now we are living in the era of climate change and we really have to worry about this situation now and in the future.
