Monday, October 22, 2012

In class Zeitoun

In Dave Eggers book, Kethy  has been described as a be loving mother, that would do whatever it takes to keep her family in safe. Besides that Kathy is showing her humanity to care for others that needs as much help as she does. The difference between Kathy and Zeitoun has shown when they split each other to a different direction. Kethy for the safe of her family and Zeitoun for a new adventure of becoming an explorer. In the passage that Kathy called Zeitoun "Please leave," she said " Tomorrow."(Eggers 89). It makes me understand that Kathy has find out that Zeitoun had save most of they're house stuff, and now she wants him to leave. But Zeitoun has made his mind of staying behind and look after the house. He wanted to be part of the Hurricane by exploring and try to help others with as much as he can.

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