Monday, December 17, 2012

English major for future

Hi everyone. Today I experienced one of the guiding lines to get into English literature major. From the speeches made the English literature program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in a wide-ranging study of literature written in English. Students may experience not only complete coverage of the major periods and genres of English, American literature, but also the variety of critical approaches and concerns that characterize the field today, such as nation, gender, race and sexuality. In addition to researching literary traditions and analyzing works of imagination, such as poetry, drama and fiction, literary studies also focuses on popular culture, oral traditions, folklore, film studies and digital media. Students in the literature programs will be trained to become leading researchers on their fields, conference presentations, publication, job-seeking skills, etc. Beginning immediately, they can get positions as teaching assistants, and thus gain valuable professional experience in a wide variety of classroom situations. I believe that the English major will help me to achieve my goals in a better position. Especially working in a customer service field will help me create a professional language speaking and writing. Thank you Dr. Cooper and all the staff that is involved in the English program teaching.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog 6

In this blog i will put some of my research that is describing the bill of rights to be cut off from a single signature that our president decides to add in the future of America. "NDAA." A law that determines each one of as a suspected terrorist which describes also the capture of Zeitoun.

(NDAA) called  The National Defense Authorization Act is a bill that the President of the United States has sign allows anyone including American citizens to be detained indefinitely by the trial, no charges, no day in court. This bill it gives the authority and the power to the President to use Military Force against terrorism. On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the 2012 NDAA, to achieve a new task of lowering the terrorism in the States. This new version of Obama's jurisdiction has violated the rights of visiting or living in the States without having your rights to speak, but if we look at it more closer this issue will see that our President wasn't the one who agreed with terms and condition of NDAA.  Although it is a little disheartening that 93% of the US Senate voted for essentially getting rid of the 5th, 6th, and 7th amendments at least 7 had the guts to vote against it. It is nice to see a mix of Republican, Democrats, and an Independent. Maybe if more voting records were as mixed as this we would have a more functional Congress. In addition, it is nice to see that some Senators still vote based on their convictions. But it's not nice when one of us is taken away with no possibility of heaving a lawyer or even a phone call to the your family.  President Obama seems to be afraid to do anything out of fear of making a mistake, and that has been his biggest mistake. We need an intelligent, well-spoken, and respectful person to lead this nation to great things. We the people must protect our constitutional rights which are now in jeopardy by an act that would effectively declare the government's war on its people.We must peaceably assemble and protest against the National Defense Authorization Ac. This bill is unconstitutional and violates all that this nation has fought for. It would effectively strip our first amendment right to "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances," among many other civil rights.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Group 6

The key word for Erjon and Daouda is " become unstoppable." Our understanding with key word is that for many years the burn of fossil fuel and coil was extremely out of the ordinary. The effect of the greenhouses gases increase the temperature causing the melting of the ice in Arctic. In fact in the passage of The Global Warming Reader James Hansen writes that" rising of the sea level will cause hundred of millions of people will become refugees"(Mckibben 277). Because of the rising sea level millions of us will migrate to other countries that are not affected by the rising of the sea level.
The oceans are saturated because people emit lots of carbon dioxide. From our perspective the only solution is to reduce the burning of the fossil fuel. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

twitter blog

he felt that his city "New Orleans" might need him...actually that was true, he was a good support for many people. 

I totally agree with Andreina that he was so attached to his community and his neighbors. For him everyone was family no matter what religion or race they were. A man with a big heart that had lots of care for humans and animals. "Way to go Zeitoun." I am proud of reading and understanding his wills. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


October.29.2012. Braking news for entire New York A tropical storm of category 1 is been headed with 120mp wind straight to Jersey and New York coasts. A braking news that involved the entire U.S government to take the immediate precautions. Hurricane Sandy was estimated of being one the most devastated hurricane compares to Irene which barely hit New York in 2010. Mayor Bloomberg has came out already stating the dangerous of the storm and the evacuation of zone A. This evacuation would include the whole entire lower Manhattan and everything else that flats down of East river also the entire shore of Long Island and State Island, coming down with Jersey shore and Atlantic City. The evacuation had to be done immediately before the sea water rich 16 feet high.
The entire subway line shut down. All the bridges and tunnels were close since 7pm a day before. Many highways closed due to strong winds and heavy rain. All the airports closed, including all the stores and shops. The red alert of Hurricane Sandy was already issued for many New Yorkers to stay inside they’re homes and for many others to evacuate if necessary. Sandy already approached to coasts with a devastated hit.
Thousands of houses destroyed. Devastated damages to subway tunnels and many roads blocked due to flooded streets and falling trees. A total disaster and lost for many areas that surrounds New York, Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and Atlantic City. Next day woke up and first thing I did I looked out of the window to see what Sandy left behind.
I couldn’t just stay home but I drove in my neighbor streets and all around Queens to see with my own eyes the left behind of the hurricane. I was shocked. Many trees fall on top the houses and cars breaking them just like toys. People with tears in they’re eyes seeing what Sandy did to they’re properties. One hundred people killed from this storm and thousands out of they’re homes. During my class we have talked abut climate change and if is New York prepared for any catastrophic event. Sandy I guess gave us the answer and the conclusion of being hit from a major storm. We are far away of being prepared. I feel shame of my self of living in the most powerful state of the world, suffering the consequences of hurricane Sandy. Is been a week that half of New York is living in dark due to power cut down. Is been a week that we out of the school due to no subway lines to move the students and teachers up and down communities. Is been a week that people are desperate for gas to fill they’re cars and they’re generators. What a shame but I guess Sandy will give to our superiors a lesson to start thinking and preparing for the next hit.
We have to thank you hundreds of police officers and fire mans including the Red Cross, helping thousands from the flooded area. We have to thank you other states that helped with they private companies to help Con Edison bring back the power. As I look around and meditate with myself I thought to Zeitoun which stood behind to protect his house and his work places. As him many people followed the same direction. They stood to they’re houses to save whatever they could from the devastated storm. We are far way of being prepared. If I would be a Mayor of the New York I would start thinking deep how to start preparing ourselves for the next hit. Sandy already showed us the week points so i would start building huge barriers around the city to keep sea level out the tunnels and subway lines. The power lines I would put them into the ground avoiding the wind and the trees falling into them cutting the electricity for weeks. I would also think how to get gas into gas stations avoiding lines of cars waiting for hours which many times end up in fights and hate between drivers. Hurricane Sandy definitely had raised to us a red flag for the next storm. Climate change is really happening. Who knows what is the target for the next time.   

Monday, October 22, 2012

In class Zeitoun

In Dave Eggers book, Kethy  has been described as a be loving mother, that would do whatever it takes to keep her family in safe. Besides that Kathy is showing her humanity to care for others that needs as much help as she does. The difference between Kathy and Zeitoun has shown when they split each other to a different direction. Kethy for the safe of her family and Zeitoun for a new adventure of becoming an explorer. In the passage that Kathy called Zeitoun "Please leave," she said " Tomorrow."(Eggers 89). It makes me understand that Kathy has find out that Zeitoun had save most of they're house stuff, and now she wants him to leave. But Zeitoun has made his mind of staying behind and look after the house. He wanted to be part of the Hurricane by exploring and try to help others with as much as he can.

Monday, October 15, 2012

blog 4

From the book" Zeitoun", author Dave Eggers, is characterizing two main personalities, which changes from the day that Hurricane Katrina approached to their life. What Eggers is transmitting to us is the importance and the safety of the family rather than work. Eggers describes these unbalanced personality in Zeitoun and his wife Kathy. He describes Zeitoun, a father that would do whatever it takes to see his family happy and healthy. His wife Kathy a mother that is looking after her family also to see her kids growing up 
What i have learned from this book so far is the care of a mother to think of 
What have we learned about Zeitoun and Kathy from the book so far, and how do you think their personalities affected their decisions as Hurricane Katrina approached?