Friday, September 28, 2012

blog 2

My name is Erjon and this is my argument about Global Warming that McKibben has written to pursue many facts of Climate Change.

In his book The Global Warming, Bill McKibben has stood his attention to a major catastrophic issue of Climate Change. Based on his studies and science McKibben, is sending e message to us that the earth temperature is rising little by little and the cause of it is us. We as human being, living in this earth that was create for us to be lived on are creating devastated changes to the main sources of life, air and water. The abuse of it and the burn of fossil oil have made CO2 level rising up which has influence the temperature of the ground.

Many people assume that Climate Change is just a theory that science has spot it out as commercial purposes, but in reality Climate Change is growing among the earth which has put on alert McKibben and many other sciences to brake open many characteristics that would prove the truth of global warming. His argument against Climate Change has include many politicians that are not taking this issue as a consideration of human being, but just as a business that involves countries that have rich nature sources as fossil oil and natural gases that would raise the profit and the economy up high. From this perspective many politicians are ignoring the fact of Climate Change, because it would cause government money and it would drop the sales of fossil oil with other countries to half.

Many organizations like IPCC in 1995 have concluded that humans were worming the planet and the reasons why are many devastated examples like: 1- Burn of fossil fuel to produce electricity.2- High production of cars running on burning fuel.3- Cut of many trees for business purposes.4- Heavy industries and factories releasing toxic smoke in the air. One the one hand some American geologist hold the opinion that from the calculation of relation between the quantity of carbonic acid in the air and the quantities that are transformed, has raised the ground temperature to that level to raise the sea level by melting the icebergs. According to this view James Hansen also committed a story in New York Times about Climate Change. Right after that he wrote a book called The End of the Nature. Hansen’s been screaming for years that the sky is falling.( He includes the results of year’s high summer temperatures in the States, as well as for the European heat wave of 2003, the Russian heat wave of 2010, and other extreme weather around the globe in recent years.
Apparently we see few people that are aware of this major change to the earth but does everyone knows? We as humans are we prepared to survive to any catastrophic event? We were born in one world. A world we could count on to support us, but now we live on a new world without any assurance. A grate saying for us, to understand that is never late to put out effort to create and build e clean environment which would decrease the CO2 level and have our world balanced again

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am Amnah and I am training to become a tutor. I was asked by my instructor to review your blog. I appreciate that you have presented numerous important facts from the article that you were focusing on. Your blog was highly informative, and it shows that you understood your article. For the most part your opinions and your facts coincide, but some of your information is confusing. One of the information which is confusing is where you state “the sky is falling”. I do not understand what that has to do with the facts and your opinions. Although you have stated where you retrieved this fact from, if you were to explain it further it would help your argument. Don’t forget to proofread your essay before submitting it.
