Friday, September 28, 2012

blog 2

My name is Erjon and this is my argument about Global Warming that McKibben has written to pursue many facts of Climate Change.

In his book The Global Warming, Bill McKibben has stood his attention to a major catastrophic issue of Climate Change. Based on his studies and science McKibben, is sending e message to us that the earth temperature is rising little by little and the cause of it is us. We as human being, living in this earth that was create for us to be lived on are creating devastated changes to the main sources of life, air and water. The abuse of it and the burn of fossil oil have made CO2 level rising up which has influence the temperature of the ground.

Many people assume that Climate Change is just a theory that science has spot it out as commercial purposes, but in reality Climate Change is growing among the earth which has put on alert McKibben and many other sciences to brake open many characteristics that would prove the truth of global warming. His argument against Climate Change has include many politicians that are not taking this issue as a consideration of human being, but just as a business that involves countries that have rich nature sources as fossil oil and natural gases that would raise the profit and the economy up high. From this perspective many politicians are ignoring the fact of Climate Change, because it would cause government money and it would drop the sales of fossil oil with other countries to half.

Many organizations like IPCC in 1995 have concluded that humans were worming the planet and the reasons why are many devastated examples like: 1- Burn of fossil fuel to produce electricity.2- High production of cars running on burning fuel.3- Cut of many trees for business purposes.4- Heavy industries and factories releasing toxic smoke in the air. One the one hand some American geologist hold the opinion that from the calculation of relation between the quantity of carbonic acid in the air and the quantities that are transformed, has raised the ground temperature to that level to raise the sea level by melting the icebergs. According to this view James Hansen also committed a story in New York Times about Climate Change. Right after that he wrote a book called The End of the Nature. Hansen’s been screaming for years that the sky is falling.( He includes the results of year’s high summer temperatures in the States, as well as for the European heat wave of 2003, the Russian heat wave of 2010, and other extreme weather around the globe in recent years.
Apparently we see few people that are aware of this major change to the earth but does everyone knows? We as humans are we prepared to survive to any catastrophic event? We were born in one world. A world we could count on to support us, but now we live on a new world without any assurance. A grate saying for us, to understand that is never late to put out effort to create and build e clean environment which would decrease the CO2 level and have our world balanced again

Monday, September 24, 2012


Based from the reading and the notes that we took during this class i was able to come up with more specific information that would be very value for my blog presentation. I understood that bringing numbers will get my readers easy to understand that how critical the situation will be in 40 years coming. For my blog i was gonna add the financial situation that city officials will face from this catastrophic event. Billions of dollars that city officials would need to cover from this mess but question will come: If U.S is one of the most highest country in debt, how they would cover the whole expenses. Where the money would come from and how.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog one

This is one of my blog assignments of ENG 101 regarding the climate change in New York City. In this blog I will discuss the threat and the disaster that our city will face in the future and years coming. And also I will talk about the careless the slow movement that our city officials are doing against this issue

Climate change is one of the most critical issue that world is facing. Raising water, extremely hot weather in many cities and countries, and the melt of ice will create a new evolution of mans kind life. Many cities have already prepared themselves facing the consequences of this climate change but does New York City?
8 million lives are surrounded from water from four sides. Thousands of factories are build next to the shores and thousands of residents will face the deadly wave of the ocean. New York will be drowned in a blink of an eye. Many life’s gone, and the rest of survivors eventually will disappear. The new evolution of New York has start.
I send this message to our officials that are taking this issue slowly. The Major and other city officials have to start preparing and protect us from this catastrophic change. As me and many others will help, but we need city government to start seeing this problem more seriously, before it’s too late.

I totally agree with Susan’s S sarcastic comment when she says :( Romney warned us recently "not to worry" about rising seas, like Obama purportedly does. New Yorkers and's another reason to reelect our President.)
I believe in this comment because many people would consider many problems solve by listening powerful words from a candidate that would say whatever it can to make us believe that he really would help to protect us from this climate change. But for me these are just words of him thinking, not for me and not for you just for him to gain that powerful chair position. As we believe on him, by giving our vote, do you thing that him or who ever rolls the government cards, will help to protect New York? Well we don’t know for sure, because it will stay as a question mark until he will be nominated.

People wake up. Enough of words, but lets stand up see this catastrophic change of our city. Let’s have our officials understand that we belong here, we are New Yorker’s. Let’s come with solutions and plans of being prepared and protected from the disaster that Mother Nature has gifted to us.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I've leave in America for about 10 years. Staten Island was the first city that i lived on for about 3 years. An Island that 70 % of surrounding are, parks and open fields, with low houses and no street cleaning that you have to worry about your car. The only issue that i saw leaving in Staten Island was the transportation from one place to another, and the stores that were far a part from were i lived. The worst of anything else was to work in the city and get the public transportation everyday. This was one of the issues that made me decide to move to Queens. From a quite and clean place to a crowed and busy environment.

Being a commuter of Queens have put my patient into the limit, of looking for parking spots, fighting with neighbor up stairs not to make noise or play loud music, and have to carry grocery bags bring it up to fourth floor. So many things but i wont mind because I've got used of it.    

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This a ENA 101 class.