Monday, December 17, 2012

English major for future

Hi everyone. Today I experienced one of the guiding lines to get into English literature major. From the speeches made the English literature program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in a wide-ranging study of literature written in English. Students may experience not only complete coverage of the major periods and genres of English, American literature, but also the variety of critical approaches and concerns that characterize the field today, such as nation, gender, race and sexuality. In addition to researching literary traditions and analyzing works of imagination, such as poetry, drama and fiction, literary studies also focuses on popular culture, oral traditions, folklore, film studies and digital media. Students in the literature programs will be trained to become leading researchers on their fields, conference presentations, publication, job-seeking skills, etc. Beginning immediately, they can get positions as teaching assistants, and thus gain valuable professional experience in a wide variety of classroom situations. I believe that the English major will help me to achieve my goals in a better position. Especially working in a customer service field will help me create a professional language speaking and writing. Thank you Dr. Cooper and all the staff that is involved in the English program teaching.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog 6

In this blog i will put some of my research that is describing the bill of rights to be cut off from a single signature that our president decides to add in the future of America. "NDAA." A law that determines each one of as a suspected terrorist which describes also the capture of Zeitoun.

(NDAA) called  The National Defense Authorization Act is a bill that the President of the United States has sign allows anyone including American citizens to be detained indefinitely by the trial, no charges, no day in court. This bill it gives the authority and the power to the President to use Military Force against terrorism. On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the 2012 NDAA, to achieve a new task of lowering the terrorism in the States. This new version of Obama's jurisdiction has violated the rights of visiting or living in the States without having your rights to speak, but if we look at it more closer this issue will see that our President wasn't the one who agreed with terms and condition of NDAA.  Although it is a little disheartening that 93% of the US Senate voted for essentially getting rid of the 5th, 6th, and 7th amendments at least 7 had the guts to vote against it. It is nice to see a mix of Republican, Democrats, and an Independent. Maybe if more voting records were as mixed as this we would have a more functional Congress. In addition, it is nice to see that some Senators still vote based on their convictions. But it's not nice when one of us is taken away with no possibility of heaving a lawyer or even a phone call to the your family.  President Obama seems to be afraid to do anything out of fear of making a mistake, and that has been his biggest mistake. We need an intelligent, well-spoken, and respectful person to lead this nation to great things. We the people must protect our constitutional rights which are now in jeopardy by an act that would effectively declare the government's war on its people.We must peaceably assemble and protest against the National Defense Authorization Ac. This bill is unconstitutional and violates all that this nation has fought for. It would effectively strip our first amendment right to "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances," among many other civil rights.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Group 6

The key word for Erjon and Daouda is " become unstoppable." Our understanding with key word is that for many years the burn of fossil fuel and coil was extremely out of the ordinary. The effect of the greenhouses gases increase the temperature causing the melting of the ice in Arctic. In fact in the passage of The Global Warming Reader James Hansen writes that" rising of the sea level will cause hundred of millions of people will become refugees"(Mckibben 277). Because of the rising sea level millions of us will migrate to other countries that are not affected by the rising of the sea level.
The oceans are saturated because people emit lots of carbon dioxide. From our perspective the only solution is to reduce the burning of the fossil fuel.